data analysis dashboardEVALUATION INSIGHTS

TEMPO® is the effective, affordable, and easy way to make sure your training is working for you. TEMPO® delivers dynamic measurement and analytic solutions for human capital management. Federal agencies and commercial firms alike use TEMPO’s dashboard capabilities, combined with PTG’s evaluation expertise, to evaluate training and to make strategic, evidence-based decisions that drive continuous training program improvement through measurement of training impact.

TEMPO® enables organizations to automate collecting and reporting training evaluation and other performance data from a single repository. Training managers can now show the value that training brings to the organization by:

  • ensuring employee alignment to organizational goals,
  • demonstrating that training dollars are being spent wisely, and
  • providing a means for complying with regulatory requirements through training.

TEMPO® is not limited by a specific learning paradigm, but can be modeled to reflect your particular business requirements.TEMPO Logo

Training evaluation yields valuable insights as to whether training investments are providing the expected business value. TEMPO® helps training managers to pinpoint strengths and weaknesses in training offerings quickly and easily and to measure the impact of training on individual and organizational performance. TEMPO® presents evaluation data in actionable form, thus making it possible for training organizations to rapidly enhance strategic performance.

Contact Denise Madaras, Vice President of Evaluation via email: [email protected] to learn more or request a demonstration of how TEMPO® can support your organization’s mission.

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